Monday, 16 April 2012

Friends made, hopefully to be kept!

Celebration Event

On the final day we held a celebration event and lots of important people came to see the achievements of the REALISE group and to celebrate the completion of the programme with the participants. Here are a few images from the event.

Ta-da! The REALISE Group of 2012! (Well most of them anyway!!!)

ArtsAward Part 4

So much hard work and effort went into the last part of the Bronze ArtsAward, sharing a skill with others. Each young person prepared an Arts skill to share with a number of others in the group. Arts skills were varied and ranged from hair design to portrait drawing, what a talented group! Here are just a few images that document the prep stages.

Cakeathon in action

Group Piece: Progression

These images document the step by step progress of the groups mixed media piece.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Final Week: Day 1

So the final countdown has begun and yes the theme tune is in my head as I write this!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Cake a thon

Here are my little offerings for the cake a thon tomorrow. Hope everyone is up at em early and baking away!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Last week we started discussing what might come next for everyone after the REALISE programme. We had a really interesting visit by Katy from Leeds City College. Katy was full of information about the wide range of courses that Leeds City College are offering including Hair & Beauty, Art & Design and Health & Social Care. She also told the group about the really exciting Teen Programme that is run in association with the Princes Trust.

Our weeks square considered where we might be in the future, perhaps 6 months, 3 years or even a decade into the future. Where might you be and what might you be doing?