Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I Need A Hero

This week we are focusing on our ArtsAward, looking specifically at the 'Discover' section.

In this part we have to first discover who our Arts Hero is before researching into them finding out things like; why they are they a hero to you; what do you admire about them; how can you learn from them; what skills do they use and so on.

Today we discovered that Jess's hero is Beyonce because of her fashion style as well as her beautiful voice.

Lauren's hero is Steven Hillinburgh, the creator of Spongebob Square Pants, as he entertains her with his fab drawings and witty story lines.

Pictures of the resulting work to follow later this week :)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Reflection time

After we had finished our bags, we worked through a series of five questions that got us to look at how and why we had created the bags.

First this was completed independently and then this was built upon as a group. When the reflection time was completed, we then decided to create a reflective piece of work to contain all of this really valuable information. These kids of pieces of work are great for future portfolios and also for Arts Award!

Here are Jess's and Lauren's reflection sheets.

Jess reflects on her bag.

Lauren reflects on her bag.

The finished bags!

Bag Me One of Those!

Bag Me: Week Two

After the massive success last week with the bag project we continued with this project, working a little deeper into the core skills of the work.

Everyone added things into their bags that represented different parts of who they are and added their name to the bottom of the bag to complete their "take away me."

Lauren adding bits of herself into the bag!

Bags: Week One (Jess and Lauren)

Lauren's Self Portrait

Jess's Eulogy

Friday, 11 November 2011

Bag Me One of Those!

This week we made start on a project where you have to recreate a bag!

There has been some great self portraiture work along with some really lovely peer comments that are boosting esteem and motivation throughout the group.

My camera has decided to have a wobble and has randomly deleted the pictures of the work that I had taken. As such, I will follow this post with some pictures when I can take some more on Wednesday.

More to follow then!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Drawing and Communication

Last week was a monumental week for the REALISE group. We have reassessed our goals and made a group 'pact' to work together more successfully to try and reach these goals through our project.

To kick start new group spirit we had a go at a drawing and communication exercise. The idea behind the exercise is to demonstrate how important clear and concise communication is to completing, well anything really!

Participants sit back to back with one facing a table. The participant at the table (A) get's a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil, the other participant (B) get's a sheet of images. B's task is to pick an appropriate image and then describe the image to A so that A can draw the image as accurately as possible.  A's task is to draw from B's instructions, listening and following directions carefully.

After participants have completed the activity, review the results before switching places and having another go!

We found that second time around, the task was much more successful as the communication was better and also as we had been in the other participants place so we had an empathetic reaction, making us complete the task to a higher standard.

Great fun!

No it's like this!

How do I describe this?